
Brick Interview: the2awesomeguys

Here with me today is the2awesomeguys! Here are my questions.

Q:When did you first start brickfilming?
The earliest Lego Animation I made was when I was 6 or 7 years old with my brother. It was god awful - Every frame was the same length. After that, I stopped with Lego animation for a while, focusing more on live action. When I became 12, I started to get back into animation and set up the YouTube channel with Ross. The rest is history.
Q:When did you start making videos with Ross?
Properly? Recently. When the channel was first set up, I made Lego films, he made Vlogs. It was pretty separate. Then, Ross stopped making videos altogether, claiming he was on a 7-year schedule! Since Summer 2012, we got back in touch and started collaborating again. Everything from that year’s christmas special till now has been a collaborative venture. Ross and I write scripts together, we both voice and I film and edit. Ross works more on developing his games. If you’re interested in playing some of his games, I’ve attached links to download them. - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php... (BigHead) - http://forum.stabyourself.net/viewtop... (Idiot: Puzzles)
Q:How far is your progress on your Doctor Who 50th anniversary LEGO special?
Heh. Not far. Episodes 4 and 5 are taking longer than I thought.
Q: Which do you prefer, Doctor Who or LEGO?
Both are too different - I like them equally as much.
Q:Who is your favourite animator?

Nick Park, obviously! On YouTube, Keshen.

Q:Which, out of your own, is your favourite brickfilm?

Thus far, I’d have to say ‘The LEGO Avengers’ which was uploaded June 2013.

Q:Which of your brickfilms was the hardest to make?

Any of the Lego Doctor Who series!

Q:Who is your favourite actor?

There are so many! If I had to pick one it would probably be Gary Oldman.
Q: Who is your favourite voice actor that you have worked with?
You know I can’t say that! I work with LFP Animations very frequently so I’d recommend his channel. On our channel, we have a list of everybody we’ve ever collaborated with (in terms of voices) so check that out!
Q:Who is your favourite Doctor in Doctor Who?
I have limited experience with the earlier ones. From 9, 10 and 11, I’d have to say 10, followed closely by 9. There are just certain characteristics about Smith’s Doctor that I just don’t like - That being said, when he’s good, he is good!
I’m interested to see how Capaldi will do, mind you.

Watch the2awesomeguys on YouTube. Thanks, Jacob!

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